
Welcome to our practitioner training program--LAP-1 (Lectical Assessment in Practice, Level 1). LAP-1 provides coaches, mentors, and educators with the tools and skills required (1) to develop minds and build skill by fostering virtuous cycles of learning, and (2) to convert skeptics into allies with effective language and strategy.

The course is consists of 8 two-hour online sessions (with homework), spread over 16 weeks. This spacing is intentional. We'll be walking our talk by creating a learning environment that optimizes the natural learning cycle, so we're making ample time for you to practice and reflect between sessions.

In September the LAP-1 program will be facilitated by:

  • Clint Fuhs, Ph.D.—researcher, educator, and specialist in developmentally-informed pedagogy

Refund policy: a refund, minus a 15% fee, is available until January 19th, 2017. After January 19th, no refunds are available, but your course fee can be transferred to another course for up to 2 years.